.. _examples: Examples ======== micawber comes with a handful of examples showing usage with * :ref:`django ` * :ref:`flask ` * :ref:`simple python script ` .. _django_example: Django example -------------- The django example is very simple -- it illustrates a single view that renders text inputted by the user by piping it through the :py:func:`~micawber.contrib.mcdjango.oembed` filter. It also shows the output of the :py:func:`~micawber.contrib.mcdjango.extract_oembed` filter which returns a 2-tuple of URL -> metadata. There is also an input where you can experiment with entering HTML. To run the example:: cd examples/django_ex/ ./manage.py runserver Check out the `example source code `_. .. _flask_example: Flask example ------------- The flask example is almost identical in terms of functionality to the django example. It shows a one-file app with a single view that renders text inputted by the user by piping it through the :py:func:`~micawber.contrib.mcflask.oembed` filter. It also shows the output of the :py:func:`~micawber.contrib.mcflask.extract_oembed` filter which returns a 2-tuple of URL -> metadata. There is also an input where you can experiment with entering HTML. To run the example:: cd examples/flask_ex/ python app.py Check out the `example source code `_. .. _python_example: Python example -------------- The python example is a command-line app that shows the use of the :py:class:`micawber.providers.ProviderRegistry` and :py:class:`micawber.providers.bootstrap_embedly`. It runs a loop asking the user to input URLs, outputting rich metadata when possible (view http://embed.ly for a full list of providers). To run the example:: cd examples/python_ex/ python example.py Check out the `example source code `_.