Getting Started

If you want the dead simple get-me-up-and-running, try the following:

>>> import micawber
>>> providers = micawber.bootstrap_basic() # may take a second
>>> print providers.parse_text('this is a test:\n')
this is a test:
<iframe width="640" height="360" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Using django? Add micawber.contrib.mcdjango to your INSTALLED_APP, then in your templates:

{% load micawber_tags %}
{# show a video player for the youtube video #}
{{ ""|oembed }}

Using flask? Use the add_oembed_filters function to register two jinja template filters, oembed and extract_oembed:

from flask import Flask
from micawber.providers import bootstrap_basic
from micawber.contrib.mcflask import add_oembed_filters

app = Flask(__name__)

oembed_providers = bootstrap_basic()
add_oembed_filters(app, oembed_providers)
{# show a video player for the youtube video #}
{{ ""|oembed() }}


micawber is rather simple. It is built to use the oembed spec, which is designed for converting URLs into rich, embeddable content. Many popular sites support this, including youtube and flickr. There is also a 3rd-party service called embedly that can convert many types of links into rich content.

micawber was designed to make it easy to integrate with these APIs. There are two concepts to understand when using micawber:

  • Provider objects - which describe how to match a URL (based on a regex) to an OEmbed endpoint.
  • ProviderRegistry objects - which encapsulate a collection or providers and expose methods for parsing text and HTML to convert links into media objects.


Providers are used to convert URLs into rich metadata. They have an endpoint associated with them and can have any number of arbitrary URL parameters (such as API keys) which are used when making API requests.


from micawber.providers import Provider

youtube = Provider('')

The above code returns a dictionary containing metadata about the requested video, including the markup for an embeddable player:

{'author_name': u'botmib',
 'author_url': u'',
 'height': 344,
 'html': u'<iframe width="459" height="344" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>',
 'provider_name': u'YouTube',
 'provider_url': u'',
 'thumbnail_height': 360,
 'thumbnail_url': u'',
 'thumbnail_width': 480,
 'title': u'Leprechaun in Mobile, Alabama',
 'type': u'video',
 'url': '',
 'version': u'1.0',
 'width': 459}

More information can be found in the Provider API docs.


The ProviderRegistry is a way of organizing lists of providers. URLs can be requested from the registry and if any provider matches it will be used, otherwise a ProviderException will be raised.

The ProviderRegistry also supports an optional simple caching mechanism.

Here is an excerpt from the code from the micawber.providers.bootstrap_basic() function, which is handy for grabbing a ProviderRegistry with a handful of basic providers pre-populated:

def bootstrap_basic(cache=None, registry=None, **params):
    pr = registry or ProviderRegistry(cache)
    pr.register('http://\S*?\S*', Provider(''))
    pr.register('http://\S*.youtu(\.be|be\.com)/watch\S*', Provider(''))
    pr.register('\S*', Provider(''))
    return pr

As you can see, the register() method takes two parameters, a regular expression for valid URLs and a Provider instance.

You can use helper functions to get a populated registry:

The bootstrap_oembed, bootstrap_embedly, and bootstrap_noembed functions make a HTTP request to the API server asking for a list of supported providers, so you may experience some latency when using these helpers. For most WSGI applications this will not be an issue, but if you’d like to speed it up I suggest fetching the results, storing them in the db or a file, and then pulling from there.

More information can be found in the ProviderRegistry API docs.