Flask integration

micawber exposes two Jinja template filters for use in your flask templates:

You can add them to your jinja environment by using the helper function:

from flask import Flask
from micawber.providers import bootstrap_basic
from micawber.contrib.mcflask import add_oembed_filters

app = Flask(__name__)

oembed_providers = bootstrap_basic()
add_oembed_filters(app, oembed_providers)

Now you can use the filters in your templates:

{% block content %}
  <p>{{ object.body|oembed(html=False, maxwidth=600, maxheight=600) }}</p>
{% endblock %}

Flask filter API

The following filters are exposed via the micawber.contrib.mcflask module:

micawber.contrib.mcflask.oembed(text, urlize_all=True, html=False, **params)

Parse the given text, rendering URLs as rich media

Usage within a Jinja2 template:

{{ blog_entry.body|oembed(urlize_all=False, maxwidth=600) }}
  • text – the text to be parsed, can be HTML
  • urlize_all – boolean indicating whether to convert bare links to clickable ones
  • html – boolean indicating whether text is plaintext or markup
  • params – any additional keyword arguments, e.g. maxwidth or an api key
Return type:

parsed text with rich content embedded

micawber.contrib.mcflask.extract_oembed(text, html=False, **params)

Returns a 2-tuple containing

  • a list of all URLs found within the text (if HTML, all URLs that aren’t already links)
  • a dictionary of URL to metadata provided by the API endpoint


Not all URLs listed will have matching entries in the dictionary, since there may not be a provider for them.

  • text – the text to be parsed, can be HTML
  • html – boolean indicating whether text is plaintext or markup
  • params – any additional keyword arguments, e.g. maxwidth or an api key
Return type:

2-tuple containing a list of all urls and a dictionary of url -> metadata

Adding filters to the Jinja Environment

To actually use these filters they must be made available to the application. Use the following function to do this sometime after initializing your Flask app:

micawber.contrib.mcflask.add_oembed_filters(app, providers)

Add the oembed and extract_oembed filters to the jinja environment

Return type:

(no return value)